Friday, June 17, 2011

Creativity Through Paper

The joy of transforming a piece of paper into a toy. You are probably familiar with the art of paper folding that originates from the Sakura land of Japan, namely origami. In the origin country this paper folding art had entered several phases of development. One of which is the papertoy. In Indonesia self, papertoy has not been widely known and the enthusiasts are yet to expand.

Two amongst the enthusiasts of papertoy in Indonesia are Faizal Azad and Dadik Triadi whom coincidentally are also designers. So to them, papertoy is not just paper folding art. Faisal, for example, reveals the fact why he is so fascinated in this paper art. “I have been interested in papertoy since 2004, because I’m very fond of toys which are affordable. The Vinly toys displayed on toy stores are quite expensive, so I chose to play with papertoy,” he explained.

To his accord, the art of paper folding is divided into several types; the origami that is very well-known as the art of paper folding, without scissors nor adhesives; 3D papermodel or what is usually called papercraft, which is the replica of items or characters, formed as detailed as possible to resemble the sample shape; and automata, papercraft mobilized by using grid, lever, etc. And then there is the papertoy that was initially known as the urban papercraft, as the simplicity of the 3D papercraft with more attractive skin visualization add-ons.

The Japanese papertoy in its development had not always serves as a hobby. According to Dadik, in European countries, papertoy has become a rather serious matter, even expanded into a profession which is the paper engineer. This is due to its use as promotional facility or part of the art design that has its own position.

In papertoy, for the novice enthusiasts, what usually done is to form a papertoy sampling a design. This was also performed by Faisal and Didik at their early fascination towards papertoy. “I spent about six months forming papertoy characters samples which I downloaded off the internet. Afterwards I started to create characters from my own imagination,” explained Didik.

He added that papertoy is more stimulation of the imagination through created designs. Although there is no limitation of types or styles, paper toy works still appears attractive because each of the creators owns their own identity. “Every papertoy artist possesses uniqueness. From the characters, design, to forms.

I personally enjoy creating characters such as vampires, skulls and monsters,” the man who wears spectacles described.

Faisal himself claimed to enjoy creating papertoys with their own characters and stories. “I enjoy building up a background. So it is not just cutting, folding and gluing. I also produce the folktale characters of “wayang”, because I’m eager to let out information on Indonesian culture. I Also wish to make other people happy for receiving more knowledge,” said Faisal.

The development of papertoy in Indonesia is not as big as it is in Europe. “In Indonesia papertoy is still taken as a regular hobby, the enthusiasts are not that many,” the papertoy creators, whom were listed in the book of 25 papertoy artists from all continents, reveal.

As an art that uses paper as the main material, the paper should be the inkjet 120 gsm paper. To keep the color of the papertoy from fading, it is better when papertoy design printing uses laser printers. After formed into papertoy, it is suggested to keep it in a place away from direct sunlight and humidity.

Both also wishes that Indonesian papertoy enthusiasts could gather and hold an exhibition together. Papertoy is not just a time-killing hobby, rather it is very supportive for design creating process, also trains people into being more prudent and concentrating. With that, the creativity of the creator is facing a real test.

If you want to learn and see different types of papertoy, there’s nothing wrong to visit this site and Good luck!

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