Friday, October 14, 2011


The most important and The greatest 20th century of indonesian traditional chinese brush painter

Ling Nan Lung was best known as a painter and sculptor. He was born in Bangka Island and grew up from rich family as a Landlord and timah trader.Ling Nan Lung study at singapore high school he was an intelligent,smart and genius in his school. he got scholarship in his school and when he grow up he decide he want to become as an artist as a painters and sculptor. art for art shake and was born as an artist that time . ling become an young talented sculptor and be one of the best winner in china and learned to paint and met his mentor whose well known famous painters in china as QI BAI SHI, LIN FENG MIAN,HUANG BIN HONG,PAN TIAN SHOU, etc. he was exhibition together with Qi Bai Shi,Linfengmian,huangbin hong,wuGuanZhong,WangXueTao,etc on beijing 1950. when Ling become more well known and sought after he met one of the founder walt disney andd cooperate together for 2 years time in holland and New york.

he travel and visiting famous scenic spots in china,Indonesia, and europe and continue make an innovation on his arts. unfortunately when he came back from China to indonesia during 1965 the political situation not really good that time which alot of his paintings,sculptore,many chinesse traditional art works,culture being destroyed that time.

he is perhaps the most noted contemporary chineesse painter for the whimsical, often colourful,playful,and have strong character of his chineese classical brush paintings. the subject of his paintings include almost everythings we see in ordinary life: commonly animals, scenery, figures,toys, vegetables and flowers,opera, bamboos,insects,fish and abstracts he theorized that good paintings will live more than 1000 years and chineesse paintings prefer more feeling and expression from heart than a likeness. also an artist need have his own character,style,and becoming a pioneer,creator, and inventor ,whose not just cheat from other painters idea.

Ling Nan Lung art works was noticed and praised from alot curator and museums, one of museum is beijing art museum, Ml de boer museum, hangzhou arts museum. alot of professor,chinesse curator said Ling Nan Lung art works was the greatest and the most beautiful art works from indonesia they said LING NAN LUNG was the most important indonesian chineese painters on 20 century art. his art work was noticable because of his talent, own character paintings and sculptors, and all of his personal influences expreesed on and threw this work. and he represent indonesia to make indonesia proud that indonesia also have a great painters like QI BAI SHI, HUANG BING HONG, LINFENGMIAN,CHANG DA ZIAN,Wu Guan Zhong,etc Ling Nan Lung died at 84 years old (1915-1999) but his art will live long more in our world of art . His art just founded at 2009 on the old storage at palmerah. we search his paintings fpr making the book and his museum.

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